
學無止境的Tango舞后 劉美瑞


劉美瑞是台大外文系1961年之學生,當年就和外文系同學創辦了一份英文雜誌The Pioneer,美瑞就是四位創辦人之一。當時的創辦人有劉紹銘(時任社長)王衍衡劉美瑞李歐芃這份英文雜誌創辦至今(2019年)仍在發行,已延續了61年,多麼了不起的傳承。而現任英千里獎學金基金會之董事高天恩,在當年學生時代也都擔任過編輯。








Argentine Tango - Prior to dancing Argentine Tango, I had learned International Ballroom and Latin and danced for twenty years. I went through medal tests and did not compete. I went through medal tests which included bronze, silver, gold and student/teacher certificate. My teacher was Rhona Pick who opened Pick School of Ballroom Dance in S.F. and 60 years ago represented United States and competed in Black Pool, England.


I switched from ballroom dancing to Argentine Tango dancing in 2012. In 2012, there was a World-Wide Dance Competition when each country sent a couple to dance the country's specific dance.  Argentine Tango ranked one among the world-wide countries competition.  Miriam and Leonardo who performed a very romantic and smooth Argentine Tango. I have been to Buenos Aires, Argentine for 12 times.  In fact, I am going to Buenos Aires on May 7th and will return on May 15th. My purpose will be "Dance, dance and dance!". In Argentina, it is very common to hire a taxi-dancer i.e. someone who is a good tango dancer, a performer or a professional and he/she will dance with you with a set price. In the past six years, I have danced with four taxi-dancer i.e. Martin is now the only Argentine Tango teacher in Saigon or Ho Chi Ming City, Vietnam; Fernando is now teaching Tango in Rome, Italy; Damain Manchura competed at the Argentine Annual Mundial Tango Competition and has been a Master Teacher teaching around the world. The fourth taxi-dancer, Rodrigious lives in Mal Del Plata, 4 hours by driving from Buenos Aires. 


Starting from tomorrow, April 18th till 21st, there will be a big Tango Festival sponsored by Andrea Monti, an Argentine Tango Master Teacher. I will be dancing from 10:30 a.m. till 7 p.m. Dinner break is two hours.  Then, I will dance from 9 p.m. till 2 a.m. Si, I will be dancing a total of 13-l/2 hours daily for four days.  There will be another Tango Festival which also will last for 3 days and 4 nights. Tango dancers dance in the City, in the Country and around the World.  Last year I was in London, Vietnam, Shanghai, Buenos Aires, and Mexico.


The YouTube clips was a unofficial competition held in Las Vegas in 2017.  I have to admit that I am a 100% book-worm.  When I go to Tango workshops, I usually take workshop from 10:30 a.m. till 7 p.m. daily. I also dance at night time. And I was a professional D.J. when I was attending Tai Da.  I worked with USIS and was producing classic and semi-classic musical programs throughout Taiwan and South-east Asia. I also produced "Jenny's time".  Jenny was receiving 80 proposals weekly and I am glad my school-mates did not know Jenny was Marie.  I did not want to get popular, however, I love music.  I enjoyed my D.J.'s job!


有朋自遠方來 不亦樂乎

(左起) 趙蘭潤、PW ,  外文系 李欣穎主任、趙明潤 、劉美瑞 外文系低我們一班)、蘭潤同學

( 左起 ) 李女士、趙明潤、王華燕、趙蘭潤、劉美瑞





伍連德(美瑞祖父)在清末民初,消滅東北鼠疫。曾被提名諾貝爾醫療奬,雖未得到。但可是中國最早的第一件諾貝爾獎案例。19101 0月至19114月中國東北發生鼠疫( 黑死病),正是世界第三次鼠疫病例的高峰,中國是重災區之一。這次鼠疫始自黑龍江省的滿洲裡迅速蔓延到哈爾濱、長期春、瀋陽、以及東北的大部分州、縣,進而侵入關內,波及直隸、山東 等地方。伍連德醫師1908年應邀岀任天津陸軍軍醫堂副總監,1910 年被派前往東北,負責樸㓕鼠疫工作。19101012 邊境城市滿洲裡發現第一起病例,很快就在東北蔓延開來,造成極大的恐慌,當地居民四散奔逃。在哈爾濱某一小區,在冬季短短的一個月內就死亡五丶六百人之多。每日受感染者超過100 人之多。造成社會極大恐慌。清朝政府東三省總督錫良急電清政府 緊急派員協助防疫,伍連德博士臨危受命,被派往東北主持其事。不久之後經過解剖發現、此疫在東北還是聞所未聞。在伍連德的領導下:斷然要求地方政府棌取許多新式防疫措施,斷絕交通, 隔離疫區、火化疫屍 等等 積極措施。歷經數月 疫情終於得到控制後,逐漸消失。 據官方統計,此次鼠疫共死亡六萬多人死亡。

伍連德先生,原為南洋華僑,1879 3月生日於馬來西亞,梹榔嶼,1905 年赴英國劍橋大學 獲得醫學博士, 返回後1908年應邀出任天津陸軍軍醫堂副總監,1910年赴東北樸滅鼠疫。伍連德是中華醫學會的創始人,1926 年出任哈爾濱醫學堂第一任校長,1930年受命組成全國海港檢疫處兼任上海檢疫所長。以後一直在東北主持防疫工作。年老退休後返回 馬來西亞,行醫多年 ,在故鄉終老過逝。(資料來源: 侯杰著大公報與中國近代社會一 書,南開大學出版社)。






Tags: 劉美瑞,舞后,外文系,DJ,The Pioneer,伍德連,東北,鼠疫,1961,TANGO,特異功能