


影片轉載自Youtube Criticalpast 代表中華民國的是徐永昌將軍

Signing of the surrender note aboard the USS Missouri after the surrender of Japan to the Allied Forces in World War II.


Signing of the instruments of surrender formalizing the capitulation of Japan to the Allied Forces in World War II. The Battleship USS Missouri in the Tokyo Bay. The U.S. Destroyer, Buchanan, pulls alongside bringing representatives of the Allied Powers to participate. U.S. General of the Army, Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Commander of Allied Forces for the arrives at thoccupation of Japan, boards the USS Missouri and is welcomed by Fleet Admiral Nimitz and Admiral Halsey. They proceed to the ship's Veranda deck for the signing ceremony. Japanese delegation led by Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu, accompanied by General Yoshijiro Umezo arrives in a boat. Speech by MacArthur as Japanese delegation looks on. Japanese representatives sign the surrender instruments. General MacArthur then signs using several pens that he presents to U.S. General Wainright and British General Percival and others. Admiral Chester Nimitz signs for all U.S. forces, followed by Admiral Halsey. Allied representatives then sign for China, the United Kingdom, Soviet Union, Australia, Canada, France, Netherlands, and New Zealand. MacArthur gives closing comments. Allied aircraft fly overhead after the ceremony. Location: Tokyo Bay Japan. Date: September 2, 1945.








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